From Africa to the World : A global Woman in tech week ,#WITW2018 officially commences today, Tuesday, 18th of September


Women in Tech Week officially commences today, the 18th of September to 22nd September 2018, running in

16 countries with over 50 events and a great selection of speakers.

Day 1 , Tuesday 18th September – Digital Day



9:00 am – 1:45 pmDigital Africa Day- Zambia, View Event Venue , Zambia,University of Zambia- Library Basement, Lusaka ZambiaNigeria



10:00 am – 1:00 pm Digital Africa Day – Port Harcourt, View Event  ,Venue Nigeria,Tiva Creatives Office, Port Harcourt RiversSierra Leone

Sierra Leone

10:00 am – 12:00 pm Digital Africa Day- Sierra Leone, View Event  , Venue: Sierra Leone,10:00AM, Freetown Sierra Leone


4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Digital Africa Day -Kenya Chapter- Live Tweet Chat-18th Sep 2018, View Event


4:00 pm – 7:45 pm Digital Africa Day- Imo State, View Event

5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Digital Africa Day – Lagos, View Event Venue  Nigeria,NG_Hub by Facebook, Yaba Lagos


5:00 pm – 8:00 pm Digital Africa Day, Uganda, View Event Venue ,Uganda,Roundbob Offices, Kampala


6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Digital Africa Day – Tanzania, View Event


8:00 pm – 9:00 pm Digital Africa Day – Germany, View Event

ITU-UNWOMEN launch the Gender Equality and Mainstreaming Technology Awards (GEM-TECH Awards 2014)

Women’s digital empowerment and their full participation in the information society is a key objective of UN Women and ITU. UN Women has prioritized this within all aspects of its work and the ITU Council at its 2013 session, adopted the ITU Gender Equality and Mainstreaming Policy (GEM). Realizing these goals within the development context presents many opportunities as well as challenges. While the potential is great and there are many examples of progress, there are also gaps and a need for increased attention, visibility, understanding, investment and action.

This annual award seeks to create a platform for advancing women’s meaningful engagement with ICTs and their role as decision-makers and producers within this sector. In considering “gender equality mainstreaming” we are looking not only at ICT, government and development actors that are mainstreaming gender equality perspectives within their work, but also ICT and gender advocates that are seeking to “mainstream” gender equality into a larger context.


The ITU-UN Women GEM-TECH Award will demonstrate a commitment to advancing gender equality and women’s empowerment through ICTs.


Open call to all Stakeholders working in the ICT Landscape.

Propose a Nominee